“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” - (Proverbs 29:2) READ: Esther 8:7-17 On earth, every government, ministry or industry has a leader who can be likened to a king sitting on a throne. Today’s memory verse says that when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. In other words, when things are going wrong, it is likely that it is not a righteous person bearing rule. The reason we have policies that clearly go against God’s ways is that the people bearing rule and establishing such policies are not righteous. We have industries, political parties, and the likes that are obviously corrupt because the thrones in such places are occupied by unrighteous people; that is about to come to an end! Believers have to do what it takes to take thrones for God. I was quite close to a king in Western Nigeria before he died. We were so close that on one occasion, I slept in his palace. Because of how close we were, he got some of the anointing that God put upon me, so before he died, he made a decree. He did not want the people of his kingdom to go back to idol worship after his demise, so he decreed that anyone who is not born again would not sit on the throne again. It has been well over 20 years and even though there have been people that are keenly interested in the throne and some that have been chosen to sit on it, up till now, no one has occupied that throne. He took the throne for God completely so that his kingdom will only serve the living God. You can do the same, you can take the thrones of the places you operate in for God. Yes, you can take thrones for God by declarations. However, it is easier to dedicate thrones to God permanently when you are the one sitting on them. This means that you must work hard and strive to reach the top so that you can sit on thrones. Once you sit on a throne, you can sanitize the entire place spiritually, and take it over for God permanently. I pray that the grace to reach the top in your fields of operation will be released unto you, in Jesus’ name. God will use you to take thrones from the devil’s hands, in Jesus’ name. Because of you, evil policies and corrupt practices will be abolished, in Jesus’ name. KEY POINT: Work hard, sit on thrones, and take them over for God. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 141-150


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